Back-to-School Time Means Brushing up on Online Safety

School is back in session. As parents with school-aged children say goodbye to summer and hello to a new year, they also find themselves trying to strike the right balance in their homes when it comes to technology and internet usage, homework responsibilities, and quality family time. And while the explosion of connected devices, apps, […]

Circle With Disney Device is Instilling Healthy Online Habits Through Parental Controls

Every year, the internet welcomes a new wave of online tools and sites that make education and socialization more fun and rewarding, especially for kids. But as with most things in life, safety and moderation are key to making the most of what the internet has to offer. Internet service providers across the cable industry […]

How TV Networks and ISPs Are Teaching Kids to Be Good Digital Citizens

Adults aren’t the only ones who are connected to the internet practically every minute of the day. According to a recent Pew survey, 45 percent of teens (ages 13-17) say they are online almost constantly, up from 24 percent in 2015. With peer interaction right at their fingertips and the ability to share videos and pictures […]

Seniors and Parents Say the Internet Has a Positive Effect on Their Lives

Today’s families are enjoying a surge of transformative services, apps, and technologies that are making their lives easier in so many ways. Internet speeds have never been faster, and as people demand more bandwidth to handle each household member’s online interests and the multiple tablets, phones, laptops, and other IoT devices they use to connect, […]

ISPs Are Helping Families Stay Smart in an Ever-Expanding Internet

Studies in the past several years have shown that kids who spend more time on social media networks are less happy in all areas of their lives. While adults are also vulnerable to the negative impact that social media and certain online overuse can have, children are often at higher risk. If they don’t have […]

Working Towards Creating a Safer Internet

Kids are practically born with screens in their hands and will never know a world where they can’t swipe, post a selfie, or watch TV on any device with a screen. With this level of access, it’s important to equip kids with the knowledge and understanding of appropriate online behavior and how to manage their […]

Three Questions: Internet Safety for Families

NCTA introduces its newest series, three questions with an expert. Check back periodically for interviews on different topics with various professionals within the cable industry. Topic: Internet Safety for Families Expert: Kristin Buch, NCTA As Cybersecurity Awareness Month comes to a close in a few days, this week NCTA’s Kristin Buch and in-house expert on cable parental […]

Learn About Cybersecurity & Staying Safe Online

October may be known as the month for pumpkins and Halloween costumes, but did you know that it’s also National Cybersecurity Awareness Month? As our lives intersect with and depend more and more on the internet, this month is a good time to step back and educate ourselves about the various schemes out there–whether they […]

Safer Internet Day and Why It Matters

Next week on February 7, NCTA – The Internet and Television Association will add its support to the worldwide celebration of Safer Internet Day 2017 – “Be the Change: Unite for a Better Internet”. Now taking place in over 100 countries, Safer Internet Day is an annual, globally coordinated event promoting the efforts of internet users of all […]

Play Your Part in Creating A Better and Safer Internet

I was born in the early 1980s, right on the cusp of the transition from Generation X to the Millennials. This placed me squarely within a unique period in the history of broadband technology: I’ve both never known a time before the Internet, yet also experienced first-hand the growing pains of a burgeoning Internet culture. […]